Google Cloud Run

Scheduling CloudQuery Syncs with Google Cloud Run and Cloud Scheduler

Google Cloud Run (opens in a new tab) is a managed compute platform that enables you to run stateless containers that can be invoked via web requests or Pub/Sub events. It provides a serverless experience for developers to deploy and run highly scalable applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. While not a perfect fit for CloudQuery syncs, it provides a relatively simple way to run CloudQuery as a serverless container on Google Cloud. If your use case is more complex but still requires deployment on GCP, you may want to consider deploying to a Virtual Machine (opens in a new tab), Cloud Composer (opens in a new tab) or Google Data Flow (opens in a new tab) instead.


Note that Cloud Run quotas (opens in a new tab) impose a 1 hour time limit per execution (i.e. CloudQuery sync)

Deploying with Cloud Run

See the cloudquery/cloudrun-example (opens in a new tab) repository for an example Docker file and instructions on how to deploy CloudQuery using Cloud Run and Cloud Scheduler. Cloud Run containers must accept incoming connections on a given port (8080 by default). The Docker image above wraps CloudQuery with a small web server that listens for incoming requests and starts a sync whenever a request is received. You should keep the HTTP endpoint private, making it available only to the Cloud Scheduler that triggers the sync on a schedule.

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